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May Town Hall Meeting Notes 2024

Carnival Prom

Kicking things off at this Town Hall meeting, was the exciting news of our upcoming prom which is set to be on Saturday, the 18th of May at our usual time, 3pm EST!
The theme is going to be a circus/carnival theme, which will certainly mean there will be whimsical elements, and vibrant colours! Don’t miss it!

Like with every prom on Skade, there is never any pressure to go with someone, or bring a “date.” - prom on Skade is just for fun, and it’s highly encouraged you go with your friends, and just enjoy the event!


At some point next month, will be our annual Skade Graduation, which will celebrate all the Skaders who have completed some form of education - whether that’s sixth form in the UK, high school in the US, college in Peru, everybody gets celebrated! Event Team will be sending out a form which will ask those who are graduating exactly what education they are completing, so they can get things set up! Keep your eyes peeled!

Skade Blade!

After a considerable amount of time since our last Skade Blade recipient, today seemed like a really great time to hand the blade out to two new recipients!

The first person to receive the Skade Blade was RinElf! Rin’s hard work and dedication to both the teams she is on, and the extra help she has given in other projects on Skade, such as the team area, and another project that is still in progress, it seemed fitting for Rin to receive the blade. Congratulations, and extremely well deserved!

The second person to receive the Skade Blade was amooodle! Amooodle lead the scribe team for a long time, and has also been helping on putting together a new up and coming location on Midgard that will be announced soon! Amooodle’s hard work to completing this project, and working on it while balancing their educational commitments made them a fitting person to receive the Skade Blade today!