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January Town Hall Meeting Notes 2024


This is the first ever Skade Gaming Town Hall meeting after moving away from our previous Skader of the Month meetings, and fully implementing the Kudos system as well as making it more community where Skaders voice can feel heard and talk about things.

For every monthly meeting the very beginning portion is dedicated to Valkyries speaking on more major topics in the community like events and such and then giving the floor to any Skaders who want to speak about anything it is that want to talk about, maybe it’s a lead talking announcing something for a specific team, someone wants to talk about their Midgard server mall shop, live streaming in discord things like that. Skaders can type or also talk with their voice both work just fine and will be able to listen to both. The end portion of the meeting will be dedicated to the Valkyrie’s reading off the submissions for players receiving kudos submitted by players and new Skade Blade recipients.

Skade Points

The previous “Hall Points/Quests” system has been remade into a “Skade Points/Quests” system, here is the information Evan provided on the new system. “Hello everyone! I'm very happy to talk to you guys for a few minutes through Blue. As you guys know, we have brought out a new system called "Skade Quests", and some of you have already started participating! Last month at our last Skader of the Month, I teased the introduction of a new system of Skade Points, and worked hard behind the scenes with the other Valkyries to deliver a really awesome system that puts more of an individual focus on how the points are tallied. So, some of you will already know how this system works, and it is fully explained in the channel, but really quickly I'm going to briefly gloss over how it works. From now on, points are not going to represent your halls anymore, meaning you will no longer be competing with the other halls, but rather.. each other! This is to ensure that no hall has an unfair advantage over the other, and will take away the pressure of performing for your hall. At the beginning of each month, I will post new Skade Quests, and you will have until the end of the month to complete them, and then I will tally up the points you guys have earned in one go! If you quickly look in the Skade Quests channel, you will see I have released new Skade Quests! I will be releasing additional Skade Quests in the middle of each month, meaning you guys have more opportunities to bag points! Now that I have explained Skade Quests, I'll clear up some questions! My name isn't on the board! Do not worry! Your name will be added once you submit a quest. If I have missed you, just give me a ping and I will add you to the list. Why don't we have points on the board? I will tally up the points from all the quests you guys have completed at the end of each month. This will also include the new Where Is It system! I'm still confused.. help! A full list of all the information is in the channel, so you can read back over it if you guys have any questions. Also feel free to ping me any time!”
Asgard Grand Re-Opening
Asgard’s Re-Opening is only one week away! Both N1n and bb1201 have been hard at work to set up the server for All of Fabric 5 while also ensuring there will be no issues that modded minecraft servers tend to have. Join us on January 20th a week from Today’s meeting as the server opens its doors again and also look out for the very first Skade Gaming livestream 2 hours after the server first opens hosted by the Content Team.

Skade Teams

We have some Skade teams that are currently looking for new members! You can find information on our teams on our new website, here. The teams currently looking for new members are Media Team, Pack Team, Birthday Team and Farm Team. The specifics for what these teams may be looking for are below.

Media Team:

  • Have all the social platforms skade uses and be active on them
  • Instagram, Threads, Tiktok, Youtube
  • Stay updated on current trends and share ideas with the team
  • Be able to show up to 2 meetings a week (Thursday & Thursday)
  • Knowledge on how to use social media safely and be able to help people stay safe online
  • Able to / willing to learn how to edit short form content

Pack Team:

Pack team would love 1-2 new members. No pack creating or modeling required, we are more than happy to train people on whatever they would like to learn about pack creation! Pack Team usually involves less than an hour or two of commitment a month for bdays and about the same if there's a big event.

Birthday Team:

We would be open to having a couple of new members - 1 preferably able to be a big builder to lighten some of the workload for the ones who do that and then a generic member as such who doesn’t mind getting stuck in and maybe helping lead a few birthdays.

Farm Team:

The farm team is excited to announce that it has been restructuring their team and they are looking forward to new ways of conducting the farm submitting process and how they work with Skaders in communicating about their farms and community farm needs. They are also looking forward to releasing some new farms this year. Any questions please direct them to DriverTech in the Midgard Farms channels.
We have received many submissions for Skaders to receive Kudos this month. These players are; Jake, Driver, amooodle, Jakie, n1n, Telli, and lastly, Rin & Lord.

Skade Blade

Another Skade Blade has been given out the first one of the year, the Valkyries want to try and give out more of these as it’s been awhile since there last has been one. These are also not just Minecraft awards and they are also not given out because a specific skader is a lead of a team or works on a team or anything like that these are given out to Skaders who go above and beyond for the community which this next Skade Blade goes to VulcanShultzy who was given the Skade Blade due to all of his hard work with the Discord Bot even if you yourself do not see it he works day in and day out developing new things for the bot and maintaining the bot if any issues arise.

Upcoming Events

  • Asgard Grand Re-Opening - January 20 @ 3:00pm EST.
  • Hall Party - January 27 @ 3:00pm EST.